Monday, September 3, 2007

Vintage and Textile Show

So, today I ventured to the lovely town of Sturbridge, MA with a new partner in crime...

Here is what I learned:
1.) Always think before making purchases over $5. If the item is not there when you was not meant to be yours to begin with...(although I really could have used that beautiful coat..I will sleep better knowing it simply would not have kept me warm).
2.) When you see something that promotes a project, write it down, or if it is reasonably priced, JUST buy it!!!
3.) Always keep a pen and scratchpad handly to write down all of the things you are thinking...
4.) When attending a show of this nature, bring a companion who has the same interest in the general idea. It makes such a wonderful difference to be able to marvel in the little joys!! Thank you Dawn!!!


Kristin Sciacca said...

Just checking in to see what's possible. . . looks like quite a bit. xo

Kristin Sciacca said...

check out this project. imagine?