Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone,

I want to wish you a Happy New Year 2009.  I hope you have become energized by the thought of a new year with all of it's possibilities and promises.  Make resolutions, but know that you have the power to create change in your life.  Pick up a new hobby, start saving for a vacation, start reading again, etc.  Whatever your pleasure.  DO SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING!

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season.  It is always a stress, but when it's over the letdown makes me kind of sad.  All of the preparations, making the food, decorating, buying presents, then finally the day arrives when you give those presents and show off those decorations and share all of the food-and then it's over.  It's one day.  It always makes me sad.  But, every year, I enjoy preparing for that day.

So, I hope you all treat yourselves well this year.  There is a new president, new change, and I think we will be seeing a lot of history.  Celebrate your own history.  Have fun and be adventurous....!  You won't be sorry!!

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