Saturday, July 26, 2008

The pigs

Today I saw the baby pigs that were born recently on the farm and I got a funny picture of the mother pig.....enjoy


Aunt Cyndy said...


I love the pig shots! You have a great eye....I see some really cute greeting cards in your future...I hope that you are well........I think of you everyday and am so proud of you!
I just got a google id --so I hope you get this love you

Aunt Cyndy said...

Hi...It's me again! I think that I can actually do this thing...(leave a comment) lol

Keep the photos coming...they're great!

Love you.......Aunt Cyndy

Aunt Cyndy said...

Hi...It's me

I'm pretty excited to be able to get onto this

Hope you are having a good day today................Love
Aunt Cyndy

Kristin Sciacca said...

Adorable pigs! Can't wait to see you next week...
Can you find any shots of kittens hanging by their paws from a fence? You know - "Hang in There!"
xoxoxo krist